hi guys, it has been a lot of time since my last post but now I'm back (hopefully)
since I came out of the closet 2 months ago I've have been feeling awesome, I'm eating better, I'm less stressed, I'm doing exercise and I'm getting kinda sexy... for real, I'm not the same person
I also have better self esteem... or I had better self esteem until I realized that all my friends have a boy/girlfriend, my 2 best friends since we were like 7 years old, Paola and Kevin are also homosexuals and both of them have a partner, and what i hate the most is that they're awesome, their partners are AWESOME
I always wanted someone, who doesn't? but now I'm getting depressed because I'm the only one that doesn't have someone, I'm thinking that I will never have someone no matter what i do, I'm acne free(not like Paola and Kevin), I'm ripped(not like Paola and Kevin), I'm tall(not like Paola and Kevin).... I'm not talking shit of my friends, the thing is that I have things that they don't have but they are happier than me
yesterday was a really crazy day, the 5 of us, Paola, Kevin, Madelaine, Jonathan and me(the 5th wheel) were at Kevin's house and my main goal was to NOT seeing them make out, the last time i saw Kevin and jona kissing like they were at a porn movie I started crying when I was in the shower of my house
we were going to see a movie and spend the time there... well, since i knew we were going to see a movie I knew that i was going to be the only one seeing the movie
we were at Kevin's room on the bed and I was in one corner, i was going to watch the movie and i was also going to block the things that the others were doing with pillows, at first it was working but then I got sad... now i know that I don't need to see them kissing to make me sad, i only have to know that they're a couple to trigger the sadness... so I got out of the room crying with a pillow on my face and then Paola came with me, we sat and started talking and she cheer me up a little
at the end we were going back to the room and Jonathan was ON Kevin and I just left and entered other room, I was on a bed and i was thinking a lot of things... at the end i just got some bottles of alcohol and I got really drunk and i went to the hot room.... for real, that room was ON FIRE and my theory was right, i didn't felt anything when i saw Paola with Madelaine and Kevin with Jonathan
Jonathan and Kevin were nagging me and I just wanted to drink some more, but Kevin took my glass and i knew that was for the best so i didn't complained too much about that
it was really late so we had to get the fuck out of there because of our parents were going to kill us all and i was drunk so you can imagine the stress of all of us, except me because i was drunk
let's leave the story with I hide my drunkenness to my mom, i slept in the shower until 12 o'clock and i don't have a hangover
now, i really want a BF and i don't know, maybe I'll kill myself doing exercise... that way I at least be focused on something else
really random things in this blog... it can go to pokemon, then to drugs, also my friends, twitter, rebecca black or just simply the things of my day
About Me

- Izzy Stevens
- i'm like the average teenager, i have 16 years old, my birthday is in july the 16th i'm really easy going, care free, neurotic and also kinda have a cold heart don't really care about anyone but my friends or family when they aren't nagging me of course, read my posts if you like them or not and follow me if you would like to keep reading about the random things of an average teenager
my twitter
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
WOW, it has been a while since my last post but now i'm back (until homework makes my life hell)
let's start with all the things that i've done in the weeks of my absense...
first, i made my room go a 180° in style, i just changed ALL of it, new color, new clothes, new everything
second, i will say that (read the next capitals of all the text starting here) i came out of the...
third, i dont Care having my hair Long anymore
fOurth, now i'm an exerciS freak.... with my new revelations i've discovered that i have to change a lot of things in my lifE i wanna find someone
i really can't believe i just put several weeks of my life so shorT o.O
let's start with all the things that i've done in the weeks of my absense...
first, i made my room go a 180° in style, i just changed ALL of it, new color, new clothes, new everything
second, i will say that (read the next capitals of all the text starting here) i came out of the...
third, i dont Care having my hair Long anymore
fOurth, now i'm an exerciS freak.... with my new revelations i've discovered that i have to change a lot of things in my lifE i wanna find someone
i really can't believe i just put several weeks of my life so shorT o.O
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Blogger is fucking up my day
I'm really mad with blogger.com I can't get in with the internet connection of my computer,
Well guys until I get things right with blogger I won't post anything
Enviado desde mi BlackBerry de Movistar
Monday, September 19, 2011
Sorry for not posting in weeks but these couple of weeks have been really busy
In like 2 days I'll have another computer because my old one is a shit and also the laptop that I was using to write some of my last posts is ALSO a shit
Well the next post in 2 or 3 days will be called something like "how'd I turned my life 180"
Enviado desde mi BlackBerry de Movistar
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
I got fucked =/
Hi guys, just now I got really bad news, I just wake up and my mom tells me that we aren't going to spend time in margarita[the venezuelan island]
Results that there were problems or something with the resort and the reservations with my grandpa[the host] and one of his sons, one of my uncles [the co-host] and now my mom and I aren't going to margarita including my grandparents and other members or my family
I'm not sad or disappointed because I didn't want to go to the beach and I don't like crowdy swimmingpools, BUT I did wanted to go to the shopping mall in margarita because all the things in there are less expensive and I needed to go buy 14 shirts as I said in other previous post
So I got screwed in that part but it doesn't matter because I can go to one of my friends' house pool that is also insanely cold, that's a good thing for me and I can got to a really good shoping mall in here that is also less expensive
It's not the same but whatever, it happened for some reason right?
Bye guys...
Results that there were problems or something with the resort and the reservations with my grandpa[the host] and one of his sons, one of my uncles [the co-host] and now my mom and I aren't going to margarita including my grandparents and other members or my family
I'm not sad or disappointed because I didn't want to go to the beach and I don't like crowdy swimmingpools, BUT I did wanted to go to the shopping mall in margarita because all the things in there are less expensive and I needed to go buy 14 shirts as I said in other previous post
So I got screwed in that part but it doesn't matter because I can go to one of my friends' house pool that is also insanely cold, that's a good thing for me and I can got to a really good shoping mall in here that is also less expensive
It's not the same but whatever, it happened for some reason right?
Bye guys...
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
The infamous day has come... AGAIN!!!
The day is here, today is my haircut day D=
I know that I have to cut it but I feel that it isn't the time yet, in like 2 weeks I start classes again and the Nazi hair nuns will rape me if I don't cut it, in approximately 13 or 14 hours my hair will go away and, I know that I have to do it, I'm agreeing the decapitation of my hair but I really don't want it to go though
I know that I have to cut it but I feel that it isn't the time yet, in like 2 weeks I start classes again and the Nazi hair nuns will rape me if I don't cut it, in approximately 13 or 14 hours my hair will go away and, I know that I have to do it, I'm agreeing the decapitation of my hair but I really don't want it to go though
Friday, September 2, 2011
Oh Canada!
sorry guys for not writing sooner but i still have problems with blogger (do you?)
now that we are in September the classes are going to start soon, i really don't know when they are going to start, some people say in sep-19 others in sep-23 and the craziest of all IN OCTOBER
now that we are in September the classes are going to start soon, i really don't know when they are going to start, some people say in sep-19 others in sep-23 and the craziest of all IN OCTOBER
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
my moment and not my moment
hi guys this post is kinda late but whatever... it's Rebecca time with my moment
the viral queen is back and better than ever, and i guess that i was right with the last time i posted about her http://itsenzook.blogspot.com/2011/04/wtf-is-that-rebecca-black.html
having a girlfriend is nothing compared to my friends
hi guys this post is about... well it's about my ungrateful friends(and with that i only mean friend), literally "SHE" is going to be a really horrible girlfriend for anyone who approaches her, of course if you saw my other posts you will know of who am i talking about
i don't know why i didn't post this before but whatever, i'll post this now.... (story alert)
the past 2 weeks i had complications to connect to blogger, i don't know why but today i think it's my lucky day so i'm gonna post 3 things if i have the chance to do it
Friday, August 5, 2011
no one likes it but money and style DO mix
we all know it, if you wanna be "in" you need style and for that you need money(in almost all of the occasions)
basically I've been a nerd or a geek my whole life, but recently I've changed and i'm not a nerd anymore, i'm just "different"... i'm like the rocker guy a pop concert, the the pencil between the colors in my school bag or the ice cube floating in a glass of water
if you paid attention i'm kinda obsessed with money but in this particularly time in my life i can spend money in whatever i want, so... how's this related to style?, well the answer is... a short-ish story
Sunday, July 31, 2011
money, travel and so many worries
recently I've been a little more neurotic than usual, i have this freaky tendency to wanting to produce money, i don't know why but i feel that if don't start making money now i will be miserable, and i know that's a little drastic considering that i only have 16 and i'm planning to get the hell out of this country to go to the United States, Canada or the U.K.; but i really feel like i'm lacking money and that's not true but i just desire a job so badly
BUT what happens if something goes wrong and i get stuck in this communist covered as socialism country... we all know that socialism is exactly the same thing as communism and i don't know why countries cover that out
BUT what happens if something goes wrong and i get stuck in this communist covered as socialism country... we all know that socialism is exactly the same thing as communism and i don't know why countries cover that out
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
well if you've seen my blog in the past then you knew that it was all green and nature but i decided to change almost all of the format in this blog, not because i didn't liked my past design but i felt that it was the time to change; not only change my blog but also things in my life because i may be excellent in my organized,studying and working life but i'm a wreck when it comes to feelings, friends and all that sentimental stuff
gays and parenting
hi, now this title about homos that is so out of my normal topics is because i recently watched several videos about gays, transgender, lesbian, and all the people that have different sexual manners than the usual and i came across with a youtuber named chris crocker
chris is gay and he is well know for a viral video on youtube named "leave britney alone" in which he was expressing with all the drama package(tears, screams, messy make up, etc.) that no one knew what britney was passing through and that all the people surrounding her were giving her pressure and all that stuff that i'm not gonna talk in this post
chris is gay and he is well know for a viral video on youtube named "leave britney alone" in which he was expressing with all the drama package(tears, screams, messy make up, etc.) that no one knew what britney was passing through and that all the people surrounding her were giving her pressure and all that stuff that i'm not gonna talk in this post
Saturday, July 16, 2011
yeahhh, now i'm 6teen and i got my easy going swagger and stuff, and what could be a better start going to the premiere of harry potter and the deadly hallows pt2 and driving =)
well... i don't have my licence yet but i'm going to arrange all that stuff in a couple of weeks, nothing i can't handle
well... i don't have my licence yet but i'm going to arrange all that stuff in a couple of weeks, nothing i can't handle
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Vacations, dumbass, smartness, birthdays and licences
Hi guys, first, I didn't got any original idea for the tittle, and second, well now I'm on vacations and got all my subjects with good grades including the always horrible ass kicker, math
Also, haven't you ever feel that you have done something better than the others but you can't brag about it?, this question is because I'm the most intelligent of my friends BUT I can brag it because my best friend fail math and it's kinda disgusting if I say something like "I'm so intelligent" or things like that
Anyway the weird part is that she doesn't want my help for summer school, and lets do a recount,
In the first trimester she got in math 7/20; then in the second trimester 6/20 and in the third trimester 15/20... In total 28/60 and in here you need at least 29 to pass a subject so clearly she fail that one AND she got 15 in the third trimester only because I was helping her to study, so I don't know why she didn't ask for my help, I guess it was her pride or something like that
At the end, I'm on vacation now and my birthday is really close, on July 16, the next Saturday
WEEE! I'm gonna go get my drivers licence, that's gonna be my present, but also... A little money can also come handy
That's all for now, cya
Enviado desde mi BlackBerry de Movistar
Also, haven't you ever feel that you have done something better than the others but you can't brag about it?, this question is because I'm the most intelligent of my friends BUT I can brag it because my best friend fail math and it's kinda disgusting if I say something like "I'm so intelligent" or things like that
Anyway the weird part is that she doesn't want my help for summer school, and lets do a recount,
In the first trimester she got in math 7/20; then in the second trimester 6/20 and in the third trimester 15/20... In total 28/60 and in here you need at least 29 to pass a subject so clearly she fail that one AND she got 15 in the third trimester only because I was helping her to study, so I don't know why she didn't ask for my help, I guess it was her pride or something like that
At the end, I'm on vacation now and my birthday is really close, on July 16, the next Saturday
WEEE! I'm gonna go get my drivers licence, that's gonna be my present, but also... A little money can also come handy
That's all for now, cya
Enviado desde mi BlackBerry de Movistar
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Need for speed.... And blogging too
Hi guys I'm so so so so so sorry for not posting in like 1 or 2 months but it was because of all the clases and stuff, and.... I still have like 2 weeks left so I'm not gonna post again in like 3 weeks.....
Now, what my "need for speed" is about...
Now, what my "need for speed" is about...
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
the now generation
(no, i'm not going to talk about the black eyed peas' song(kinda))
well, this post is about social networks like facebook, i had this post in mind for 1 week and now i'm gonna post my thoughts.
well, this post is about social networks like facebook, i had this post in mind for 1 week and now i'm gonna post my thoughts.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Surprise, it's thundurus
Hi guys, well my story today is something that just happened , so let me start
Today I was on my DS playing pokemon white and I was decided to catch the legendary thundurus once in for all, so I seek for a pokemon that knew hypnosis or sleep powder, so I catch first a petilil like lvl 15 then I bought 50 dusk balls and the decided to track thundurus on the night, so I knew that it was going to be on route 9 so then when I saw it I use petilil's sleep powder and then it scaped(I didn't knew that a pokemon could scape when its asleep) then I track it again and then I used my serperior to take it's life to red in one hit, then it scaped again while it was asleep, then I was tracking it a several amount of times thowing dusk balls, never got it, the poke ball that I throw to it never got to move not even once and I didn't want to use my master ball so I got a crazy idea, I thougt using another poke ball instead of the dusk ball, so I track it again and then I throw to it a timer ball, but in the second that I throw the timer ball I thougt "am I stupid that poke ball will never work..... But for my surprise the poke ball move 1, 2, 3 and then I catched it, I was in shock because I spent like 30 dusk balls to catch thundurus failing all the time, but the when I use my only timer ball I catched it *-*
Well that's the story hope you liked it, I know I did xd
Today I was on my DS playing pokemon white and I was decided to catch the legendary thundurus once in for all, so I seek for a pokemon that knew hypnosis or sleep powder, so I catch first a petilil like lvl 15 then I bought 50 dusk balls and the decided to track thundurus on the night, so I knew that it was going to be on route 9 so then when I saw it I use petilil's sleep powder and then it scaped(I didn't knew that a pokemon could scape when its asleep) then I track it again and then I used my serperior to take it's life to red in one hit, then it scaped again while it was asleep, then I was tracking it a several amount of times thowing dusk balls, never got it, the poke ball that I throw to it never got to move not even once and I didn't want to use my master ball so I got a crazy idea, I thougt using another poke ball instead of the dusk ball, so I track it again and then I throw to it a timer ball, but in the second that I throw the timer ball I thougt "am I stupid that poke ball will never work..... But for my surprise the poke ball move 1, 2, 3 and then I catched it, I was in shock because I spent like 30 dusk balls to catch thundurus failing all the time, but the when I use my only timer ball I catched it *-*
Well that's the story hope you liked it, I know I did xd
Monday, April 11, 2011
WTF!? is that rebecca black!!!!!
hi guys i'm so so so so so so sorry because i haven't post anything in a long time and that's basically because there was nothing interesting in my life, so i have decided to change the direction of this blog; at first i created this blog because i wanted to tell a history but i'm no one special, i'm not an orphan going house to house or a very damaged serial killer, so i'm going to start posting about things that are happening now and have nothing to do with me or at least they are not directly linked with me.
now lets talk about the worldwide conmotion that is affecting everyone.... and i'm not talking about japan or the middle east, it's time to talk about rebecca black, what can we say about her? she's a girl, has black hair, she uses a flat iron, she's kinda hot..... well not hot but the is not ugly at all, AND she has created, and quote, "the worst song ever created, friday"
why is it that song sooooo bad? is it because she sucks? is it the auto-tune? is it the horrible lyrics? is it the creepy gansta in her video? well i have seen her video and lemme tell you that is all of those reasons and also none of them; you must be saying, izzy are you deaf? it's clear that she doesn't sing well; then i'll say "if she is a bad singer how is it possible that "ark music factory" made a contract with her for that song?
now lemme tell you guys the truth, it all started when rebecca and her family spent money on "ark music factory" to do a song and make her famous, well they created the lyrics, and also used auto-tune on her voice, they promised to the black family that she was gonna be a star, those producers made that song with her thinking that they were going to be a hit, and technically they were a hit, but a hit on the face; but talking serius, it was a great success, that song is on the top 50 on itunes andshe has made a lot of money
now for my conclusion, rebecca black DOES NOT sing bad, it was fault of the producers with the dumb lyrics and the auto-tune, and i'm not saying this with no bases because i have heard her on youtube in an interview with no effects and she sings kinda nice
now i'll put something never putted in this blog...... a video of her..... also there are going to be 2 videos, the interview and the music video
this is the interview
cya guys
now lets talk about the worldwide conmotion that is affecting everyone.... and i'm not talking about japan or the middle east, it's time to talk about rebecca black, what can we say about her? she's a girl, has black hair, she uses a flat iron, she's kinda hot..... well not hot but the is not ugly at all, AND she has created, and quote, "the worst song ever created, friday"
why is it that song sooooo bad? is it because she sucks? is it the auto-tune? is it the horrible lyrics? is it the creepy gansta in her video? well i have seen her video and lemme tell you that is all of those reasons and also none of them; you must be saying, izzy are you deaf? it's clear that she doesn't sing well; then i'll say "if she is a bad singer how is it possible that "ark music factory" made a contract with her for that song?
now lemme tell you guys the truth, it all started when rebecca and her family spent money on "ark music factory" to do a song and make her famous, well they created the lyrics, and also used auto-tune on her voice, they promised to the black family that she was gonna be a star, those producers made that song with her thinking that they were going to be a hit, and technically they were a hit, but a hit on the face; but talking serius, it was a great success, that song is on the top 50 on itunes andshe has made a lot of money
now for my conclusion, rebecca black DOES NOT sing bad, it was fault of the producers with the dumb lyrics and the auto-tune, and i'm not saying this with no bases because i have heard her on youtube in an interview with no effects and she sings kinda nice
now i'll put something never putted in this blog...... a video of her..... also there are going to be 2 videos, the interview and the music video
this is the interview
cya guys
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Sorry for not posting for a lot of time but with the homework and stuff and blahh blahh blahh I haven't had the time for myself...
Well just now I did an experiment and the experiment was if I can change my eye color using "biokinesis", that's the ability of changing things of your body with your mind; I have to say that I really don't belive all of that stupid things, but I'm a teen and I want to change all of my body like any normal low esteem teenager so I looked around the internet about ways to change your eye color without surgery and I found the "biokinesis" so I decided to try
Well this is my first experience with the biokinesis and nothing happened but while I was doing it I experienced a really freaky world, like a place where magic exists and things like the aura, karma, spirits and a whole lot of cool things appear.
Now I really felt the psy inside of my so I'm gonna keep trying to change my brown-colored eyes into an awesome deep blue for my eyes and I think that it's about 1 or 2 months to see a real change so lets hope for the best
Enviado desde mi BlackBerry de Movistar
Well just now I did an experiment and the experiment was if I can change my eye color using "biokinesis", that's the ability of changing things of your body with your mind; I have to say that I really don't belive all of that stupid things, but I'm a teen and I want to change all of my body like any normal low esteem teenager so I looked around the internet about ways to change your eye color without surgery and I found the "biokinesis" so I decided to try
Well this is my first experience with the biokinesis and nothing happened but while I was doing it I experienced a really freaky world, like a place where magic exists and things like the aura, karma, spirits and a whole lot of cool things appear.
Now I really felt the psy inside of my so I'm gonna keep trying to change my brown-colored eyes into an awesome deep blue for my eyes and I think that it's about 1 or 2 months to see a real change so lets hope for the best
Enviado desde mi BlackBerry de Movistar
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
That's wrong with me?!
Hi guys, I KNOW that this post is late and I'm sorry for that.
Well, in the last post I said that I was gonna kick Andres' ass but my fire went out and I didn't do it.
So that's the thing, what's wrong with me, because that guy deserves to be punished but I just didn't do it so now I've regret that I didn't do anything
And the other thing is, I'm sorry for haven't post anything and that's just so embarrassing because you guys were expecting that I beated the crap out that guy and I didn't
Well cya guys untill my next post in no time, IZZY OUT
Well, in the last post I said that I was gonna kick Andres' ass but my fire went out and I didn't do it.
So that's the thing, what's wrong with me, because that guy deserves to be punished but I just didn't do it so now I've regret that I didn't do anything
And the other thing is, I'm sorry for haven't post anything and that's just so embarrassing because you guys were expecting that I beated the crap out that guy and I didn't
Well cya guys untill my next post in no time, IZZY OUT
Friday, January 28, 2011
revenge AND bad feelings are PERFECT on the right time
hi guys, today's story is about my experience today on class.
it results that paola is sick, she has been sick like 3 days in a row and kevin and i have the bad luck to get sick too (i think she's contageus) well today my mom had to pick me up from school (there was a big problem with the recepcionist but i'm not going to get there) well it results that the school was over for today and i was going to pick my backpack but i had to go up the stairs to get to my classroom because i was on the teaches lounge, that was a mess because all the people from my school was going down the stairs so i had to wait a little to things calm down so when i go up the stairs, andres was walking down, then he starts to saying names to me; if you guys saw one of my older posts, i think it was "nicknames" or something, well he started to call me with those horrible nicknames and i was so pissed, well i said to him things too but no response from him, so i walked up the stairs go to my classroom and picked my backpack then i went back down and i started to wait my mom...
the thing is that i'm sick of that guy, since 1st grade he has been a pain in the ass, imagine 9 years beeing anoyed from a guy and it was getting worse every year, so now i'm not gonna keep calmed anymore, on monday i'm so gonna beat him up and give him a lesson of "if you keep nagging people, the people is going to fracture your two arms", and i know this sound drastic and a little psycho but i just want him to suffer a lot, i wanna see him crying like a little bitch and punch him a lot on his face and nuts =) nice thoughts right?
well cya guys untill my next post ON MONDAY (if i'm lucky) IZZY OUT...
it results that paola is sick, she has been sick like 3 days in a row and kevin and i have the bad luck to get sick too (i think she's contageus) well today my mom had to pick me up from school (there was a big problem with the recepcionist but i'm not going to get there) well it results that the school was over for today and i was going to pick my backpack but i had to go up the stairs to get to my classroom because i was on the teaches lounge, that was a mess because all the people from my school was going down the stairs so i had to wait a little to things calm down so when i go up the stairs, andres was walking down, then he starts to saying names to me; if you guys saw one of my older posts, i think it was "nicknames" or something, well he started to call me with those horrible nicknames and i was so pissed, well i said to him things too but no response from him, so i walked up the stairs go to my classroom and picked my backpack then i went back down and i started to wait my mom...
the thing is that i'm sick of that guy, since 1st grade he has been a pain in the ass, imagine 9 years beeing anoyed from a guy and it was getting worse every year, so now i'm not gonna keep calmed anymore, on monday i'm so gonna beat him up and give him a lesson of "if you keep nagging people, the people is going to fracture your two arms", and i know this sound drastic and a little psycho but i just want him to suffer a lot, i wanna see him crying like a little bitch and punch him a lot on his face and nuts =) nice thoughts right?
well cya guys untill my next post ON MONDAY (if i'm lucky) IZZY OUT...
Thursday, January 20, 2011
I had a long time since I post because there was nothing new but there's something that has been bothering me
My ex-girlfriend, Amanda, I broke with her because... I don't know, I just didn't see her like my gf just like my friend and I broke with her via facebook in a message and that was it, but lately she has getting hotter and I'm starting to regret it but because of the thing I did now we are not friends (naturally)
I think she got the thing that happens when 2 persons break up, one goes insanely good and the other goes terribly wrong
In other news, I haven't any dreams to do jump jump bunny jump so that project goes down (I had so much hopes with it)
Well cya guys until my next post in no time, IZZY OUT
My ex-girlfriend, Amanda, I broke with her because... I don't know, I just didn't see her like my gf just like my friend and I broke with her via facebook in a message and that was it, but lately she has getting hotter and I'm starting to regret it but because of the thing I did now we are not friends (naturally)
I think she got the thing that happens when 2 persons break up, one goes insanely good and the other goes terribly wrong
In other news, I haven't any dreams to do jump jump bunny jump so that project goes down (I had so much hopes with it)
Well cya guys until my next post in no time, IZZY OUT
Saturday, January 15, 2011
fantasy, dreams and imagination
this post is going to be very personal for me because it's not something that happened to me from the outside, it happened to me from the inside so please yourselves
on midnight i was seeing tv shows and i was seeing naruto, and i was really mad because it's too much history just for 30 minutes and the only put it once per day in here, so i went to bed really angry for that and i fell asleep, then when i woke up i had reallyzed that i had one of the most awesome dream in my entire life
now, i'm going to do another post and it's going to be about my dream, and if i'm lucky the next time i go to bed and i dream the sequel i will do a section in the blog about that history in particular, I'm not sure what name put it but it will be something like: jump saga, partner chornicles, bunny step(you will know in the next post why the name), etc....
on midnight i was seeing tv shows and i was seeing naruto, and i was really mad because it's too much history just for 30 minutes and the only put it once per day in here, so i went to bed really angry for that and i fell asleep, then when i woke up i had reallyzed that i had one of the most awesome dream in my entire life
now, i'm going to do another post and it's going to be about my dream, and if i'm lucky the next time i go to bed and i dream the sequel i will do a section in the blog about that history in particular, I'm not sure what name put it but it will be something like: jump saga, partner chornicles, bunny step(you will know in the next post why the name), etc....
deseption and bad karma
hi guys, as you well know we all face with the deseption sometime, if it's not doing the homework right, letting down a friend, doing bad things, etc... now also in some part of your life, the deseption is always around the corner and you think, is this connected in any way?, at least for me sometimes the deseption or failure is always connected to my karma
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
burn in hell bitch pt2
this is the second part of "burn in hell bitch" and in this post i'm going to say what paola and i did after the conversation
it results that paola gave her block to andres the firsts weeks of class and he has in his mind that the block of paola is also his, on andres' drawing class from last year he made a school bus
i told paola that the drawing had to be burnt, so i rip that stupid drawing and she and i wrote things like "andres burn in hell", "i hope you get raped", "you stupid motherfucker", etc.... then we put the drawing on the floor, then i spit it then paola burned the drawing, and like she told me, "a big weight out of our shoulders" meanwhile i did a video of the drawing being burned but today i can't post it but i will do it on this week if i got the chance
cya guys until my next post in no time, IZZY out
it results that paola gave her block to andres the firsts weeks of class and he has in his mind that the block of paola is also his, on andres' drawing class from last year he made a school bus
i told paola that the drawing had to be burnt, so i rip that stupid drawing and she and i wrote things like "andres burn in hell", "i hope you get raped", "you stupid motherfucker", etc.... then we put the drawing on the floor, then i spit it then paola burned the drawing, and like she told me, "a big weight out of our shoulders" meanwhile i did a video of the drawing being burned but today i can't post it but i will do it on this week if i got the chance
cya guys until my next post in no time, IZZY out
burn in hell bitch pt1
hi guys, I've recently posted about my foes, i only talked about one person, Andres, but there are like 4 more but in this post i'm gonna concentratre only in him.
today i went to my best's friend house and we were studying for math and physics, well after we finished are studies we were talking about Andres and something that happened in school, and i'm going to tell you what heppened.....
today in drawing class we were doing things, omiting that, after we finished our class, the group of class of Andres went to the class room for there class, andres walked into the class and ask for paola's block because he didn't had one, he was really pushing paola and after that he asked me for my block, i was just pissed off, what a hypocritical gest of him, i told him "ohh hell no" and i walked away from the class room but... paola was still there so i was on the door waiting for her..... that's not all then in recess he was talking shit about us, naturally paola and i started to laugh because it was so funny then when paola was alone andres came to her and then he showed "the finger" and said "paola scumbag" and she said "uhhhmm ok" (i was soo pissed off of paola because she didn't said anything to him)
today i went to my best's friend house and we were studying for math and physics, well after we finished are studies we were talking about Andres and something that happened in school, and i'm going to tell you what heppened.....
today in drawing class we were doing things, omiting that, after we finished our class, the group of class of Andres went to the class room for there class, andres walked into the class and ask for paola's block because he didn't had one, he was really pushing paola and after that he asked me for my block, i was just pissed off, what a hypocritical gest of him, i told him "ohh hell no" and i walked away from the class room but... paola was still there so i was on the door waiting for her..... that's not all then in recess he was talking shit about us, naturally paola and i started to laugh because it was so funny then when paola was alone andres came to her and then he showed "the finger" and said "paola scumbag" and she said "uhhhmm ok" (i was soo pissed off of paola because she didn't said anything to him)
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
1st and 2nd day of scool = FAIL!!!!
hi guys, i started clases yesterday and i didn't post it because i was too tired to post anything, but now i will post mi two AWFUL days at school.
it comes that i had a suspension of 2 weeks because the rains hitting on venezuela, results that the teachers sent emails of HOMEWORK because of that and apparently everybody had the womework exept me and in my first period of classes my math teacher was asking for the homework and basically i'm going to say what she said with my own words, "bitch if u didn't got that, it's not problem of mine so screw u" the my chemistry teacher(one of the dummests of all) didn't want to be there and he was more off than usual, then in the break time the director got me because i had my shirt out of my pants(we use uniforms)
on the second day i got late to school because the bell didn't ring, and in computer class someone stole my chair because there were like 4 chairs broken so i had to find a chair on the school, after that we got physics and we did a test before the suspension and she gave me my test and i fail it with 7/20 and also the emails were still haunting me, because there was also a physics homework that i didn't do, the good thing is that the teacher told me that i can do the homework and bring it to her on thursday so at least i got that covered, the the chemistry teacher again, it was so awful, we had to do and exercise and i'm pretty sure that all the things that i wrote are all wrong and finally the cherry on the top, in spanish class the teacher was going to give us a novel to read, she was thinking before the suspension send us twiligth but i told her narnia, i told her that the boks of narnia were much easier to read and she belived me but today in class a couple of bitches told her to send mary of "who knows" Isaac and they were pushing so hard that the teacher send us the freaking mary novel
cya boys until my next post in no time, izzy OUT
it comes that i had a suspension of 2 weeks because the rains hitting on venezuela, results that the teachers sent emails of HOMEWORK because of that and apparently everybody had the womework exept me and in my first period of classes my math teacher was asking for the homework and basically i'm going to say what she said with my own words, "bitch if u didn't got that, it's not problem of mine so screw u" the my chemistry teacher(one of the dummests of all) didn't want to be there and he was more off than usual, then in the break time the director got me because i had my shirt out of my pants(we use uniforms)
on the second day i got late to school because the bell didn't ring, and in computer class someone stole my chair because there were like 4 chairs broken so i had to find a chair on the school, after that we got physics and we did a test before the suspension and she gave me my test and i fail it with 7/20 and also the emails were still haunting me, because there was also a physics homework that i didn't do, the good thing is that the teacher told me that i can do the homework and bring it to her on thursday so at least i got that covered, the the chemistry teacher again, it was so awful, we had to do and exercise and i'm pretty sure that all the things that i wrote are all wrong and finally the cherry on the top, in spanish class the teacher was going to give us a novel to read, she was thinking before the suspension send us twiligth but i told her narnia, i told her that the boks of narnia were much easier to read and she belived me but today in class a couple of bitches told her to send mary of "who knows" Isaac and they were pushing so hard that the teacher send us the freaking mary novel
cya boys until my next post in no time, izzy OUT
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Hair cuts and style
Hi guys today I had a traumatizing experience, my mom wanted me to cut my hair in a salon, I'm the kind of guy who likes long hair but THE SCHOOL always disagree with my hair style so I agreed because I don't want any kind of problem with the school
It wasn't easy to go there but I did it, unfortunately the stupid stylist cut my hair too short and my mom says that I look good but I HATE IT, now I have to go the school tomorrow with this abomination in my head
My hair isn't straight, its like the personification of a black guy and I'm NOT KIDDING, my mom's father is black so I heredate crappy hair BUT I have made a technique that gives me straight hair with hair gel and it looks AWESOME but now I have short hair and I'm suffering a lot
Cya guys until my text post in no time, izzy's OUT
It wasn't easy to go there but I did it, unfortunately the stupid stylist cut my hair too short and my mom says that I look good but I HATE IT, now I have to go the school tomorrow with this abomination in my head
My hair isn't straight, its like the personification of a black guy and I'm NOT KIDDING, my mom's father is black so I heredate crappy hair BUT I have made a technique that gives me straight hair with hair gel and it looks AWESOME but now I have short hair and I'm suffering a lot
Cya guys until my text post in no time, izzy's OUT
Friday, January 7, 2011
Friends & Foes pt2
This is the second part of friends & foes and in this part we are going to point my foes.
Lets start with my "nemesis" his name is Andres he's 15 years old and don't ask me what's his birthday because I don't care, we meet at kinder and at first I didn't pay him so much attention but then he got irritable, and then he start to nagging me in the worst way possible but now that we are in 9th grade I just block him BUT sometimes if he nags me a lot I just want to kick his ass so hard that my foot can be seen from his mouth (sorry for that) I hate him so much and I'm waiting the moment for beat the crap out of him and I only need one excuse to do that
Lets start with my "nemesis" his name is Andres he's 15 years old and don't ask me what's his birthday because I don't care, we meet at kinder and at first I didn't pay him so much attention but then he got irritable, and then he start to nagging me in the worst way possible but now that we are in 9th grade I just block him BUT sometimes if he nags me a lot I just want to kick his ass so hard that my foot can be seen from his mouth (sorry for that) I hate him so much and I'm waiting the moment for beat the crap out of him and I only need one excuse to do that
Friends & Foes pt1
We all have friends, they are crucial in your life and depending on the person they can be in short or large numbers, I like to belive that I am the type of person who was a short number of friends but also has a large number of known people.
In this post I'm going to name my bests friends, I've already named Kevin, he's my friend since 1st grade, the was born in February 9 and he has 14 years old also he is stubborn and cocky, if you don't do things at his way he will grab you, throw you on the floor, kick you and spit you at you face, that's what make us an explosive combination, when we do things together we do espectacular things but in the way its full of friction
Another of my bests friends is Paola, she is also my friend since 1st grade she was born in September 19 she's 15 years old, she's like my sister we are really close but is not what you think, we are only friends nothing sexual there (not that I want to)
In this post I'm going to name my bests friends, I've already named Kevin, he's my friend since 1st grade, the was born in February 9 and he has 14 years old also he is stubborn and cocky, if you don't do things at his way he will grab you, throw you on the floor, kick you and spit you at you face, that's what make us an explosive combination, when we do things together we do espectacular things but in the way its full of friction
Another of my bests friends is Paola, she is also my friend since 1st grade she was born in September 19 she's 15 years old, she's like my sister we are really close but is not what you think, we are only friends nothing sexual there (not that I want to)
Thursday, January 6, 2011
That's horrible
OMG I think that when I post a comment via BB I waste money, that is not right
Lets leave it like that untill my next post in no time
YAY now i can post vía BB
I really like it, it's so functional, easy and comfortable, the only thing that I think it's bothering me it's that I can't post photos and tags, what a pity.
Let's leave it like that until my next post
Let's leave it like that until my next post
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
lets write about addictions
well my addiction is alcohol.... im not an alcoholic whore who looks like is living in a bar but i must say that i kinda like alcohol (and i'm 15 years old) and i kinda abuse it.
another of my addictions is "pokemon" i really like pokemon and i know, Izzy aren't you too big for that? and Izzy, pokemon is not an addiction, it's not a bad thing; first of all, NO i'm not too big for pokemon and second no it is not a bad thing but an adiction it is also an obsesion and i'm really obsesed with pokemon, because of that i'm kinda slaking in school but is nothing to worry about
another of my addictions is "pokemon" i really like pokemon and i know, Izzy aren't you too big for that? and Izzy, pokemon is not an addiction, it's not a bad thing; first of all, NO i'm not too big for pokemon and second no it is not a bad thing but an adiction it is also an obsesion and i'm really obsesed with pokemon, because of that i'm kinda slaking in school but is nothing to worry about
Saturday, January 1, 2011
all my girlfriends
3rd girlfriend: her name is Teresa and she is studying with me, we where friends since 1st grade but in 5th grade i told here "do you wanna be my girlfriend?"..... she told me NO (you bitch) well she didn't spoke to me in a while, in 8th grade the finally skoke to me with friend stuff and all but now in 9th grade she has isolated from me and now she doesn't speak to me AGAIN
4th girlfriend: her name is Paola, i meet her at 7th grade, i asked her the "question" and she said yes, but that didn't last longer, basically the next day she broke up with me saying "my father don't aproves it" (LIES) she din't want to be with me and she bring me exuse of "the father"
5th girlfriend: her name is Amanda, this is a recent one, we can put her in the status of "nerd" but in a party of one of my others friend she dressed up so HOT and i was so DRUNK that i couldn't resisit this happened like 2 or 3 months a go, well i broke up with her via facebook and she got so sad and agry that now is a little awkward out reation
well that's all untill my next post in no time
4th girlfriend: her name is Paola, i meet her at 7th grade, i asked her the "question" and she said yes, but that didn't last longer, basically the next day she broke up with me saying "my father don't aproves it" (LIES) she din't want to be with me and she bring me exuse of "the father"
5th girlfriend: her name is Amanda, this is a recent one, we can put her in the status of "nerd" but in a party of one of my others friend she dressed up so HOT and i was so DRUNK that i couldn't resisit this happened like 2 or 3 months a go, well i broke up with her via facebook and she got so sad and agry that now is a little awkward out reation
well that's all untill my next post in no time
all my girlfriends
1st girlfriend: her name is Oriana and when this happend we where on ur 6 and 7 years old, she was so in love with me but i wasn't so much with her, she flirted me a lot but i didn't take her so much attention, i remember one time when she asked a couple of guys in high school to grab me and put me on a wall so she can kiss me.
imagine that, 2 guys that were 9 and 10 years older than me struggling with me, of course i was a little traumatized and because of that i don't remember if she kissed me or not and if you think about it it was dumb of my part for saying no to a kiss to a beautiful girl and kinda gay, right?
at the en of pre-school she went to another school like i did and i haven't seen her until one day when i was 13 years old i saw her in a mall, we greet each other and let me say this, she got insanely HOT
and i throw that to the garbage, i should kill myself for that
2nd girlfriend: her name is Mariana, she was a friend of oriana and i in pre-school, i REALLY liked her but for her i was only the boy friend, like the gay friend of all girl (i hated that), she went to the same school of Oriana and my pre-school became a directed tasks school (that means that before the regular school you go to another sort of school to do your homework) it took me until 4th grade to say to her my feelings, after that we flirted once a while, well the relation last 2 1/2 months and no kiss, then i got out from the directed task school and i never seen her berore that until the party of a friend of mine, she got so UGLY and FAT it was so UNPLEASANT for the human eye
i will post my other girlfriends on anothe post because this post is getting a little crowd so i'm going to leave it like this
until my next post in no time
imagine that, 2 guys that were 9 and 10 years older than me struggling with me, of course i was a little traumatized and because of that i don't remember if she kissed me or not and if you think about it it was dumb of my part for saying no to a kiss to a beautiful girl and kinda gay, right?
at the en of pre-school she went to another school like i did and i haven't seen her until one day when i was 13 years old i saw her in a mall, we greet each other and let me say this, she got insanely HOT
and i throw that to the garbage, i should kill myself for that
2nd girlfriend: her name is Mariana, she was a friend of oriana and i in pre-school, i REALLY liked her but for her i was only the boy friend, like the gay friend of all girl (i hated that), she went to the same school of Oriana and my pre-school became a directed tasks school (that means that before the regular school you go to another sort of school to do your homework) it took me until 4th grade to say to her my feelings, after that we flirted once a while, well the relation last 2 1/2 months and no kiss, then i got out from the directed task school and i never seen her berore that until the party of a friend of mine, she got so UGLY and FAT it was so UNPLEASANT for the human eye
i will post my other girlfriends on anothe post because this post is getting a little crowd so i'm going to leave it like this
until my next post in no time
let me talk about my AKA "Izzy Stevens"
hi, if you guys don't know, my real name is enzo corsini, and if you guys didn't notice my name is italian, well i don't like my name so much because in spanish you can get a lot of awful nicknames that i'm not going to say because of my fragile self-esteem so i'm just going to say that all of those things had made me cry more than once
the initials of my name are E.and C. and the pronunciation if you guys notice is if you try to make a word is: easy, phishing, licking, indi, etc.... and finally is Izzy, i like it so i call myself izzy and if you guys look a last name it will be: stevens or daniels (the only 2 lasts names a think about) so i keept stevens, like the show if you figured out
so i like the name izzy stevens
bye until my next visit in no time
the initials of my name are E.and C. and the pronunciation if you guys notice is if you try to make a word is: easy, phishing, licking, indi, etc.... and finally is Izzy, i like it so i call myself izzy and if you guys look a last name it will be: stevens or daniels (the only 2 lasts names a think about) so i keept stevens, like the show if you figured out
so i like the name izzy stevens
bye until my next visit in no time
well this is one of my bests friends, Kevin, he is a great friend, a little cocky but he's OK....
recently i wrote in twitter that why do people use twitter to put phrases like "friends are great and never end but a real friend sticks with you 'till the end" if in the the page says "what's happening" so you need to write things that are happening to you at the moment right, not like facebook that says where you write "what's on your mind"
well he is one of those people that write phrases and i wasn't writing about him, i was writing in general; the thing is that he was connected in twitter in the time i wrote that and he took it personal
now he doesn't answer my tweets or my BB PIN messages
the worst part is that he is now writing hate "phrases" about fake friends and i think that he's writing them to me and i'm now stuck in that friendship
recently i wrote in twitter that why do people use twitter to put phrases like "friends are great and never end but a real friend sticks with you 'till the end" if in the the page says "what's happening" so you need to write things that are happening to you at the moment right, not like facebook that says where you write "what's on your mind"
well he is one of those people that write phrases and i wasn't writing about him, i was writing in general; the thing is that he was connected in twitter in the time i wrote that and he took it personal
now he doesn't answer my tweets or my BB PIN messages
the worst part is that he is now writing hate "phrases" about fake friends and i think that he's writing them to me and i'm now stuck in that friendship
let me resume all my holidays for you
first i was dressing up to go to my granparent house, but we had to wait for my uncle Simon because my mom is the designaded driver so he arrived about like 8pm and then we left at 8:30pm all the way i was listening to music (ke$ha, cobra starship, selena gomez, etc...) and then when we arrived to my grandpa's house, i saw at least half of the family, i was thinking "what a bummer" because my favorite cousings weren't there and that just pissed me off.
well it was almost 12o'clock and my family was waiting for the 12 bells that sound in the radio but when it was the time.... SHOCK the radio didn't put the 12 bells abd instead it sound the national hymn, well after that we didn't put most of our attention on it and we had the toast, me a 15year old drinking champagne.... no that wasn't a shock, i'm basicaly an alcoholic but that thing tasted so awful, so instead of drinking it, i gave it to my mom and myself prepared another drink, coke and whisky, that was so delicius.
well at the end of the party, i was sad because there weren't any fireworks and i'm used to be the pyromaniac in my family so that was a disapointment and after that we (my mom, my uncle and i) went to my other unlcle's house, his name is Santiago, in the road my mom was so lost, well finally when we got where, we gave him and his wife, Violeta/Violet and his son for a previous marriage there Xmas presents, and all of us started to sing karaoke, i was to tired it was like 5:30am, and i just wanna leave from there.
FINALLY, at 6o'clock we left from there and when we got to my house i was so happy, then i went to sleep
see you guys until my next post in no time
well it was almost 12o'clock and my family was waiting for the 12 bells that sound in the radio but when it was the time.... SHOCK the radio didn't put the 12 bells abd instead it sound the national hymn, well after that we didn't put most of our attention on it and we had the toast, me a 15year old drinking champagne.... no that wasn't a shock, i'm basicaly an alcoholic but that thing tasted so awful, so instead of drinking it, i gave it to my mom and myself prepared another drink, coke and whisky, that was so delicius.
well at the end of the party, i was sad because there weren't any fireworks and i'm used to be the pyromaniac in my family so that was a disapointment and after that we (my mom, my uncle and i) went to my other unlcle's house, his name is Santiago, in the road my mom was so lost, well finally when we got where, we gave him and his wife, Violeta/Violet and his son for a previous marriage there Xmas presents, and all of us started to sing karaoke, i was to tired it was like 5:30am, and i just wanna leave from there.
FINALLY, at 6o'clock we left from there and when we got to my house i was so happy, then i went to sleep
see you guys until my next post in no time
happy new year
hi guys, it's new year and in my country we wish 12 wishes and my wishes are:
1._ make money
2._ start doing exercise
3._ keep going on with my hair products
4._ don't be such a slaker in my face products
5._ start doing all my homework ( i had a 2 week suspension because of the rain)
6._ pick up a girl and have my first frech kiss
7._ have a "stable" girlfriend (all the girlfriends that i had don't get to the time of 1 week)
sorry, don't have any more wishes, soon if i remember something i will put it in another entrie
1._ make money
2._ start doing exercise
3._ keep going on with my hair products
4._ don't be such a slaker in my face products
5._ start doing all my homework ( i had a 2 week suspension because of the rain)
6._ pick up a girl and have my first frech kiss
7._ have a "stable" girlfriend (all the girlfriends that i had don't get to the time of 1 week)
sorry, don't have any more wishes, soon if i remember something i will put it in another entrie
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