About Me

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i'm like the average teenager, i have 16 years old, my birthday is in july the 16th i'm really easy going, care free, neurotic and also kinda have a cold heart don't really care about anyone but my friends or family when they aren't nagging me of course, read my posts if you like them or not and follow me if you would like to keep reading about the random things of an average teenager


this page is dedicated to my bests friends and all, they all have things that i  like and dislike but, we all know you can choose your family but you can't choose your friends, right =)

this is Paola, i have already talked about her many times in the blog and all, we've been friends since first grade, 10 years
 likes: that she's the one who always tries to take me out of my lonely cave and encourages me to be more sociable
dislikes: she's somewhat bipolar and she gets angry to me for reasons than no one knows, i have always said that i'm the only person who can bare with her, sometimes not even her parents want to be around with her

then we got Kevin and HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! TO THIS PHOTO..... he's also been my friend  since first grade
likes: he's someone that you know you'll have a great time, he's the heart of the party and he's also so cool
dislikes: i'm not saying that he's shallow but i don't know if  he'll be right my side when something gets nasty

next on the list is Gabriela, isn't she pretty, she's also very smart, she got to my school 4 years ago in 7th grade, she is the only person in my friend's group who is equally and in many times more smarter than me
likes: she may be one of the youngest of my group but she's so wise and also we laugh  in classes so hard that i think that we make people hate us because we distract them so much, she's a really good friend, she has all the package
dislikes: when we get serious and start working she can get really mad very easy but i mean that she gets ballistic so i really have to be careful when she gets like a psycho serial killer, and also, she's evangelical and because of that she has been raised in a very strict way so she can't drink in parties or even dance in any place

then, for last but not least is Ana Patricia she has a lot of my qualities like.... she likes anime or, curses a lot or that also hates everyone and we don't care a shit for anyone, or that we sometimes get aggressive, because of that she's my girlfriend but only joking, she's like a sister to me
likes: she's like a really good clone of me in feminine that's all i can say about her
dislikes: i think that i really don't dislike anything of her at all she's pretty awesome

i also have a lot more of friends but i want to put the friends that are really close to me, like they are

and don't get this to the bad way because i love my friends but sometimes they are just fucking and pissing me off and i just wanna kick them stab them and burn them and roll them over with a car... but whatever, they make me happy

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