we all know it, if you wanna be "in" you need style and for that you need money(in almost all of the occasions)
basically I've been a nerd or a geek my whole life, but recently I've changed and i'm not a nerd anymore, i'm just "different"... i'm like the rocker guy a pop concert, the the pencil between the colors in my school bag or the ice cube floating in a glass of water
if you paid attention i'm kinda obsessed with money but in this particularly time in my life i can spend money in whatever i want, so... how's this related to style?, well the answer is... a short-ish story
in 2 months i'll go vacationing to margarita... if you don't know what's that, it's(and i'm not referring to the drink) a state of Venezuela, it's like and island, just like the U.S. and puerto rico... well in there the things are less expensive(just like buying in walmart) so, for the first time in a year i am going to buy clothes and get rid of the old ones, I've done the math and i HATE 28 shirts and those 28 are going to BURN!!!(metaphorically speaking, just going to give them to charity)
my mom told me that she won't buy me 28 or more shirts so i made a deal with her and i'm now allowed to choose half of the number of all the shirts that i hate, so now i need to choose the 14 bests shirts that represent ME... i'm like FINALLY, now i won't feel out of fashion when i go out with my friends(if i still have friends when all my problems solve)
i had the same look over and over, with the short hair but that doesn't fit me because my forehead is to insanely huge, like 6 of my fingers, and i need hair to cover that up, also i have a really awkward and strange face that is not handsome or cute and the only way that i look good is with long hair and i have rights to have it that way, that's why my mom pisses me of and also why i hate my school because of "the rules" they have
is that to much to ask!?... why in all the schools of Latin America boys need to have short hair, i don't know but a lot of guys have this ghetto look with the short hair... ohhh wait, THEY ARE GHETTO!!!! with bad grades and causing trouble in school, but the school doesn't do anything but when a guy has long hair they run to you and say that you need to cut your hair or they'll call you parents and then the big problem begins with your folks
is that to much to ask!?... why in all the schools of Latin America boys need to have short hair, i don't know but a lot of guys have this ghetto look with the short hair... ohhh wait, THEY ARE GHETTO!!!! with bad grades and causing trouble in school, but the school doesn't do anything but when a guy has long hair they run to you and say that you need to cut your hair or they'll call you parents and then the big problem begins with your folks

i want my long hair and i'm not a troublesome kid, when it comes to grades i'm the number 10 of 80 kids and i'm also a quiet student... but no one cares
and you know what, that thing of "we teach values to children with the rules" is BULLSHIT... the only thing that they do when they force me to cut my hair is to want it more and i know for sure that when i get out of that school in 2 years i'll be with my hair as i always wanted and no one will stop it
well, that all for now
Izzy S.
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