The day is here, today is my haircut day D=
I know that I have to cut it but I feel that it isn't the time yet, in like 2 weeks I start classes again and the Nazi hair nuns will rape me if I don't cut it, in approximately 13 or 14 hours my hair will go away and, I know that I have to do it, I'm agreeing the decapitation of my hair but I really don't want it to go though
The worst part is that it was finally getting straight with a really awesome hair product, but whatever I will just have to wait only 10 months until vacations again... WHAT!!!! I can't wait that long, I'll kill myself after waiting all that time
In other news related to my hair in someway...
This friday I am going to the beach... Well I'll go to a town that has a ferry and in Saturday I will enter the ferry and go to the beach
I am going to be there the whole week and I CAN'T get any sun because my medication, well I will just pleace myself with a swimming pool, not that I camplain about that because I kinda hate the beach, so whatever.... Ah now I remember, this is related to my hair because.... My hair will look horrible if it touches the water, so I kinda win but also get screwed because I'm gonna get my hair cutted D'=
And... I'm so gay when I write AND talk about my hair but, what can I do, sew me, for just being me
Later guys....
Enviado desde mi BlackBerry de Movistar
really random things in this blog... it can go to pokemon, then to drugs, also my friends, twitter, rebecca black or just simply the things of my day
About Me

- Izzy Stevens
- i'm like the average teenager, i have 16 years old, my birthday is in july the 16th i'm really easy going, care free, neurotic and also kinda have a cold heart don't really care about anyone but my friends or family when they aren't nagging me of course, read my posts if you like them or not and follow me if you would like to keep reading about the random things of an average teenager
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