About Me

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i'm like the average teenager, i have 16 years old, my birthday is in july the 16th i'm really easy going, care free, neurotic and also kinda have a cold heart don't really care about anyone but my friends or family when they aren't nagging me of course, read my posts if you like them or not and follow me if you would like to keep reading about the random things of an average teenager

Saturday, October 27, 2012


hi guys today has been a slow day so lemme catch up with whats happening lately
this week i entered in ITALIAN clases, also my final year of secondary has begun and also i want to finish my english course to get my title
basically i want to get the hell out of here because our economy in venezuela.... imagine a world where imported products are 6 times more expensive!!!

i recently bougth a ps3 and i almost have to sell my eyes to afford it, lets say it like this.... a ps3 in he US is around 250$ IMAGINE that it cost you 1500$!!!! well, that's the way I'm living, and imagine the games too!!!

i can't keep up with this so that's why i wanna leave to Italy or Canada FAST!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

2nd day of school

hi guys, yesterday i started school, it's my last year finally and i thought that i was going to start kind slacking off though... it's just the start i thought, well WRONG!

I thought this week was going to be slow and i was going to be able to read my comics with my cellphone but no! it has all been organizing and stuff... right now i'm doing a presentation for 2 weeks and I'm  really active

i wanted to start slow but something inside me makes me do activities on time and keep organizing everything

Sunday, October 7, 2012

this shit is getting serious!

recently the reelection candidate, Hugo Chavez won with 7million votes, almost reached by the other candidate, henrique Capriles with 6 million votes

technically all the people is saying that we're all going to die and this country is going down the toilet... and maybe it's true but people is like REALLY dramatic, or am i just cynical!?

the thing is that I DON'T GIVE A FUCK i already knew Chavez was going to be elected again and while others are calling me a heartless cynical bastard i just call myself realistic, Capriles, that dude was only 3 months in the public eye VS Chavez, the guy that had the spotlight 14 years AND BESIDES THAT! he was so close, he only needs more time and that's all

the official presidential election will be in 6 years(yeah, too long) but we can appeal for an election in mid presidential government, so, in 3 years we can kick Chavez ass right to hell

meanwhile i think this country is disgusting and I'm thinking of leaving it in less than 1 year if i can


today is election day in my country! 12years in the power is really bad... lets celebrate for a new president!

Monday, September 10, 2012

the fucking luck of being gay

hey guys, you know one of the horrible things of being gay?
that when you're in the best physical shape, when you're being a great person with others and and it's all relatively awesome YOUR 2 EX START TO DATE!
gays are shameless for real
the news of my 2 ex is 2 weeks old and they are already over but it was hell in the meantime... my first ex, alejandro, i hate him with all my being but my second ex, jim, we at least are friends

i remember like 3 days ago when i was drunk and started to hate them on twitter... the good part was that my mom relaxed me(she didn't realized i was a little tipsy, Fuck yeah!) and then i apologized with jim because he didn't deserved to be treated like that by me...
alejandro, that's another story, at the end i just told him that i was tired, that i was tired of all his shit and the void that he has inside him will not be filled with dating others and dumping them when he gets tired

soo... I'm ok again, results that they broke up the before because jim didn't thought alejandro was being honest nor committed to a relationship... and i didn't knew that so that's why I exploded

Saturday, August 4, 2012

boyfriend issues

hi guys, i have a problem with my boyfriend... the thing is that HE DOESN'T EXIST!
I want a couple so bad right now but also I'm afraid that no one shows up or in fact, that i screw my chances with a great guy... or a girl, I'm in a bisexual time in my life... or maybe I'm just curious
at this time I'm so much mature to handle a relation but life is funny because i haven't been interested in anyone since a couple of months

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Clothing issues

Hi guys, today i wanted to take ALL horrible things off my closet... It comes that I'm throwing 13 t-shirts, and you know the really bad part, there are only 7 t-shirts inside my closet.
Maybe because my mom made laundry and there are a lot of things that are missing but The fact is that i really need go shopping and now I'm desperate because my mom is never gonna buy me the expensive things that we all like so i really need a job soon
I'm telling  my mom to buy me the newspaper tomorrow, I'm not gonna keep baring this anymore
Hopefully i get a job in a week or 2

Friday, July 20, 2012

Changing at 17?!

Hi guys, as i told you before on Monday was birthday and i am now 17...
Well, on that day i spent all morning in a bank and i didn't lunch with my mom and that sucked on my own birthday, the day after i went again to another bank and the day after that i went again to a bank
Im also dressing different, Im using more shirts (in a cool way) and yesterday when i went to visit Kevin (a friend) he said that i looked changed i a good way(i told him that he still looks like the same bitch that he is... Friendship XD)
Now i don't know why but I'm really getting serious about getting a job, for real, in Venezuela the homeless people are like that because they want to!, in here education is almost free, and you can get a job easy also... You just have to look
So now, then i finish posting this I'll take a bath, get dressed and go buy the newspaper and look for a job

Monday, July 16, 2012

Today i'm 17

Finally, today's my b-day and now i'm 17... It's  just matter of one year until i have 18 and i can do all the things that i wanted to do... Legally

Saturday, July 14, 2012

A recap of this last months

Hi guys, a lot of things happened in the time i wasn't posting anything, lets do a recap
Sooo, i haven't posted anything serious since November... Well...
December: i hooked up with Jonathan(kevin's bf), and lost my virginity, i had a time not speaking to Kevin

January: i broke up with Jonathan and i was chasing a guy named alejandro(short, chubby, somewhat blond and green eyes) at the end of this month i hooked up with him and i wanted him to be my bf

February: on the first day of this month my mom knew i was gay and i was on a time where i couldn't go out, i sneaked in my friends to the house, on 14/2 alejandro gave me a watch and i gave him a pair of eyebrow piercings... At the end of the month i was in love but he dumped me

March: i got depressed because of alejandro and the fact that i couldn't get out of the house wasn't making it better, i started to eat a lot and i cried in school! (happened twice) at the end of the month i was a mess

April: still a mess until the half of the month... I started having sex and i stopped crying and for a while i felt better

May: still grounded, and still having sex until i had an awful experience, the last day of that month Paola was breaking up with her girlfriend, not Madeleine( that's in the past)... Her name is Scarlet, she's a friend of alejandro... Well that's not important, that day i was going to have sex with a guy and we did stuff in a bathroom but not penetration... The thing is that after the incident i started feeling awful

June: the first 2 weeks i was sick and afraid because i thought i have an std... But then i started to feeling well and i realized that i can't destroy myself only because of one guy so i started doing exercise

July-present: I'm trying to do 10km daily... Those are like 6,21 miles... Recently i saw alejandro and i really don't feel anything for him... Only that i hate him and i hope he has erectile dysfunction

I'm feeling great again... But, I'm asexual now, i really don't want anything with anyone except friendship and all that stuff

Friday, July 6, 2012

Work fever

I'm in a moment in my life where i want to work to have money obviously, but not only that, i want to feel independent and i feel that having a job will make my life less depending on my mom
I really need a job, i even went to the job ministry to know what to do to have a permission for underage kids that want to work, i have to do a lot of weird things but i know it's worth it
The things that are in my wish list are: a laptop(hopefully a mac book), a car(need a lot of commitment on this), CLOTHES!!! (I'm using things that have like 2-3 years for god sake), and a razor for cutting my hair xD
I'm really looking foward with this, but i need more focus! I have to be 100% committed and i know i aren't
I know it's gonna be challenging in the future but i have to step it up

want to be thin in a fat world

Hi guys, i'm getting again with my exercise because I'm in vacations, i want to take full advantage of my time and i really want my 6 pack abs... The problem is, the world!!!

I'm doing a lot of cardio to reduce the little belly fat i have and get the 6 pack that i always wanted, I'm actually walking 10km that are 6,21 miles every day... And when i can't do it i use my running machine to do the same amount but... Running!

It sounds very awesome and all but there's always something to regret, like... My mom made the groceries 2 days ago and the bought cheetos and some cookies and i hate it because i'm weak and i told her that the is gonna eat all that shit by herself or I'm gonna throw it
I really like cookies and sugar but i'm changing my habits... Right now when i was writing this i felt guilty of drinking beer with 7up, i didn't finish the drink and told a guy to drink it for me, i replaced it for water!!!

The thing is that i may be eating healthier but sometimes i slack and eat shit, I'm getting frustrated because i may look better but i still don't have the ripped body that i want

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Monday, July 2, 2012

B-day soon

In exactly 2 weeks i will have 17, only 14 days and i feel awesome for that, i have also been in vacations for a while now and i'm getting out almost every day!

I feel really good, these past months haven't been so good for me but that subject is for another post... So bye guys I'll post again some of these days

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damn Spain people

Hi guys, I'm not so great here... Spain just won the Europe cup instead of Italy
Hey my name is Enzo Corsini! Some Italian blood in here and that's why it sucks for me
Whatever, i also have Spanish blood but i like more my Italian roots... I feel it's richer in soo many ways LOL food, language, culture and more!

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Saturday, June 30, 2012

gay pride

Today was the gay pride parade un Caracas, Venezuela... It was the first time i went to something like that
It was one of the most awesome times in my life

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Friday, June 29, 2012

REALLY LONG time no see

Hi everyone... Or no one, remember me? I'm the guy that lives in venezuela, likes canada, is gay and knows english really well
Well i'm back and i think i'm gonna post more things because i have this really new cool cellphone... I used to have 2 blackberrys but THEY ARE SHIT!!! so i changed to an android... A galaxy ace plus and i love it
I think i will start posting again... And i'm not saying it like the other times, this is for real now(hopefully)

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