About Me

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i'm like the average teenager, i have 16 years old, my birthday is in july the 16th i'm really easy going, care free, neurotic and also kinda have a cold heart don't really care about anyone but my friends or family when they aren't nagging me of course, read my posts if you like them or not and follow me if you would like to keep reading about the random things of an average teenager

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

my moment and not my moment

hi guys this post is kinda late but whatever... it's Rebecca time with my moment

the viral queen is back and better than ever, and i guess that i was right with the last time i posted about her http://itsenzook.blogspot.com/2011/04/wtf-is-that-rebecca-black.html

having a girlfriend is nothing compared to my friends

hi guys this post is about... well it's about my ungrateful friends(and with that i only mean friend), literally "SHE" is going to be a really horrible girlfriend for anyone who approaches her, of course if you saw my other posts you will know of who am i talking about

i don't know why i didn't post this before but whatever, i'll post this now.... (story alert)


the past 2 weeks i had complications to connect to blogger, i don't know why but today i think it's my lucky day so i'm gonna post 3 things if i have the chance to do it

Friday, August 5, 2011

no one likes it but money and style DO mix

we all know it, if you wanna be "in" you need style and for that you need money(in almost all of the occasions)

basically I've been a nerd or a geek my whole life, but recently I've changed and i'm not a nerd anymore, i'm just "different"... i'm like the rocker guy a pop concert, the the pencil between the colors in my school bag or the ice cube floating in a glass of water

if you paid attention i'm kinda obsessed with money but in this particularly time in my life  i can spend money in whatever i want, so... how's this related to style?, well the answer is... a short-ish story