Hi guys, a lot of things happened in the time i wasn't posting anything, lets do a recap
Sooo, i haven't posted anything serious since November... Well...
December: i hooked up with Jonathan(kevin's bf), and lost my virginity, i had a time not speaking to Kevin
January: i broke up with Jonathan and i was chasing a guy named alejandro(short, chubby, somewhat blond and green eyes) at the end of this month i hooked up with him and i wanted him to be my bf
February: on the first day of this month my mom knew i was gay and i was on a time where i couldn't go out, i sneaked in my friends to the house, on 14/2 alejandro gave me a watch and i gave him a pair of eyebrow piercings... At the end of the month i was in love but he dumped me
March: i got depressed because of alejandro and the fact that i couldn't get out of the house wasn't making it better, i started to eat a lot and i cried in school! (happened twice) at the end of the month i was a mess
April: still a mess until the half of the month... I started having sex and i stopped crying and for a while i felt better
May: still grounded, and still having sex until i had an awful experience, the last day of that month Paola was breaking up with her girlfriend, not Madeleine( that's in the past)... Her name is Scarlet, she's a friend of alejandro... Well that's not important, that day i was going to have sex with a guy and we did stuff in a bathroom but not penetration... The thing is that after the incident i started feeling awful
June: the first 2 weeks i was sick and afraid because i thought i have an std... But then i started to feeling well and i realized that i can't destroy myself only because of one guy so i started doing exercise
July-present: I'm trying to do 10km daily... Those are like 6,21 miles... Recently i saw alejandro and i really don't feel anything for him... Only that i hate him and i hope he has erectile dysfunction
I'm feeling great again... But, I'm asexual now, i really don't want anything with anyone except friendship and all that stuff