Sorry for not posting for a lot of time but with the homework and stuff and blahh blahh blahh I haven't had the time for myself...
Well just now I did an experiment and the experiment was if I can change my eye color using "biokinesis", that's the ability of changing things of your body with your mind; I have to say that I really don't belive all of that stupid things, but I'm a teen and I want to change all of my body like any normal low esteem teenager so I looked around the internet about ways to change your eye color without surgery and I found the "biokinesis" so I decided to try
Well this is my first experience with the biokinesis and nothing happened but while I was doing it I experienced a really freaky world, like a place where magic exists and things like the aura, karma, spirits and a whole lot of cool things appear.
Now I really felt the psy inside of my so I'm gonna keep trying to change my brown-colored eyes into an awesome deep blue for my eyes and I think that it's about 1 or 2 months to see a real change so lets hope for the best
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really random things in this blog... it can go to pokemon, then to drugs, also my friends, twitter, rebecca black or just simply the things of my day
About Me

- Izzy Stevens
- i'm like the average teenager, i have 16 years old, my birthday is in july the 16th i'm really easy going, care free, neurotic and also kinda have a cold heart don't really care about anyone but my friends or family when they aren't nagging me of course, read my posts if you like them or not and follow me if you would like to keep reading about the random things of an average teenager